Wednesday 6 September 2017

Do I need to have a theme?

"Seeing another person's point of view is a mixed blessing: a blessing when you can use it, a curse when you let it use you."
This is the first of 'the sayings of Laurel's Mum', I'm thinking of using them for title headings in the writing I'm going to do for Nowrimo. I'm giving Spink a rest cos I can't assess it or push it to the end at the moment.
The working title for this one is Laurel gets a job. I want to do it in first person, only one point of view and not too long - the 50,000 words should do it.

This is my favourite picture from last term's class.

Andy said that I have to start using more tones next term, I wasn't sure what he meant so I looked it up on t'internet. Tonal value is altered by adding more black, white or black and white, so now I know what it is and how I can move from the three he says I use to 7 or 8 - or at least start to. I do add white but I don't add black - or at least not knowingly!
Term starts at the end of the month. Hopefully I can both get some practice in before then and remember what I'm going to be doing when I get there!

This is from pinterest.

I've not been into pinterest long - it reminds me of looking through catalogues, sort of compulsive and full of that sort of inspiration that disappears as soon as I close it, but I do love all these felt things! Maybe I'll remember these for Christmas to combine with pajakis from the book Abigail got me last Christmas: 'Making Art from Maps' by Jill K Berry.

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